Starting To Come Together
So. Another trip and some upgrades tested. I have built a small set of shelves that hold all the cooking and eating gear just next to the fridge. Everything fits perfectly. All I have to do is figure out a neat way to secure them in the shelves. I also had some old tie down loops from an old project and found a great spot to attach them so I can loop a tie down over the toilet, shower bucket, water bottle, etc. This worked great to stop the load jumping and moving over the potholes. I'm really pleased how it's coming together. I managed to carry 3 bags of firewood and a small esky for bait. The under-tray tank provided us with plenty of water (80-90L) although I've found that the pump sucks air once 1/2 empty, probably due to the tank being shallow. Gravity still works but it's slow. The guys at Gladstone Battery Centre have a few custom made 12v accessories on their shelf. One in particular is a junction box wired with 2 x 50a Anderson plugs and 2 x cigarette plugs. Perfect. Just a small mod and it suited my needs perfectly. I now have outside power points and a spot to plug in the solar. The tent is getting easier with some more experience, and I've been pointed to Ebay to purchase a fitted sheet that fits the mattress properly. Also, now that my driveway extensions are almost complete, I'll even have somewhere to wind the legs down so I'm not carrying everywhere unnecessarily.
Ahh...The simple things in life...….Beer, bush and fire. It's getting easier. :-)