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Griffiths Creek Kroombit tops

It's about an hour and a half drive to get to the Griffith Creek camp ground from Gladstone. So we headed out through Calliope towards Biloela, taking the a left turn at the Monto turnoff about 4k's out of Calliope. Only 1.5k's further take a right onto Tablelands Rd. We stayed on the road, meandering through the hills and valleys on a very well maintained dirt road. Slowly gaining altitude until we hit the last climb up to the “Tops”. A very steep short bitumen climb affording some great views through the trees. Once at the top we had a short, ten minute drive to the Griffith Creek camp area. The roads in the park deteriorated quickly but not that bad that it stopped some lad being up there in his Holden Statesman. At the camp, we were greeted by a few cows that were tending the golf course like lawns. What a beautiful spot. It hadn’t changed from a year ago. Beautiful low green lawns dotted with large ghostly blue gums. Nothing to hear but the birds. We were eventually joined by a few other cars, but due to the size of the camp, we were flat out seeing or even hearing the others. We rounded the wagons and rolled out the awnings then relaxed for a quiet one as the sun went down. It wasn’t long and we were into some simple sausages and veg around the camp fire. There are large concrete fire rings placed around the camp area but being a national park, you’re not supposed to collect wood. Luckily, we’d brought our own and before long we’d burnt 2 bags and only had one to go. Man, it was colder the witches proverbial so as soon as the third bag was gone, into the swags we went. From here you can spend a day exploring the rest of the park. The lookout has the only toilet in the park and is about 20-30mins drive from Griffith Creek. The wreck site of Betsy the WW2 Bomber is definitely worth a look and will take about an hour or so to get to and if you continue around the loop track, allow 2 to 2.5 hrs. 4WD required. cost of the campsite is $6.35/person per night. 

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