Paradise in the City
I've driven up Lilley's Beach many times but have never got around to camping there. I don't know why. I had the chance recently after finally taking delivery of the camper (Long story. Check my blog :-( ). I needed to set it up and see if everything was ok. I'd owned the tent for 9 months and hadn't opened it. I went mid week, so it was very quiet. There was one other vehicle there overnight. Ok so I went to the official camp ground but it was unmaintained and overgrown and actually undesirable. I have talked to many who camp there and it seems that quite a few now set up along the beach front. There's a couple of great spots under the trees with firm footing and no real dunes to drive over so to speak. Now these spots are not camping areas, but I recon they should be. The official area has deep sand that can hide a number of things, including fire places, rubbish and burrs. The fishing on the point can be great, but so can the sandflies at times. I spent some time on the beach front and didn't have any trouble with anything and the nice breeze made it lovely and cool. I built a small fire and sat back to enjoy the peace and quiet. The tugs were busy that night with a couple of ships entering and leaving. Anyway, that's about it. My camper worked nicely. The bed was comfortable and I slept well. The Stones green ginger wine may have helped. Recon I'll be doing it again soon.

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